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    February 11, 2021

    Time For Change: 3 Vital Changes That Your Need To Implement in Your Call Center ASAP

    Owing to the dynamic nature of customer relationship management and technological advancements, call centers are consistently evolving, not only pushing businesses to change their models but, most importantly, to change how they handle their customer service. Read on to find out what changes to implement in your call center for optimized operations.

    3 Vital Changes That Need To Be Implemented in Your Call center

    1. Adapt multi-channel solutions

    As you read this, it is reported that nearly three-quarters of consumers in the U.S expect a complaint on Twitter to be answered in less than an hour, a clear indication that your call center cannot afford to ignore other channels of communication. Furthermore, studies show that the number of customers who prefer automated self-service has doubled in the last 5 years, making the writing on the wall even clearer; your call center needs to connect with customers through their preferred communication method if it aims to achieve higher customer satisfaction rates. After all, with a varied automated system that includes social media, live chats, phone, and emails; your call waiting time will be reduced considerably.

    1. Change the way you measure customer satisfaction.

    As a call center manager, you cannot effectively manage what you cannot measure. And although tracking KPIs and other metrics to improve call center performance is important, it is also vital to mention that CSAT and NPS metrics do not give the whole picture. Considering the damage that even one unsatisfied customer can do to your business, you must consider the new reality of customer expectations and implement metrics that take these realities into account. Experts recommend tracking satisfaction every 3 to 6 months.

    1. Focus on Eliminating Negative Experiences

    This is the quickest way to get your customer satisfaction strategy in order. In fact, just a single negative experience has 4-5 times greater relative impact than a positive one. With this in mind, your call center should reduce poor customer experiences, more so in areas where customers come in to contact with the organization most often. Pull your team together and come up with a list of 10 negative experiences that you think might be affecting your customers’ experience negatively.
    Offering excellent customer service is the only thing that can give your call center a competitive edge.
    Do you have any questions on how to implement changes in your call center? is always willing to help you out.