When you are looking at the possibility of outsourced Quality Control, you may wonder if it is wise or not. Of course, the obvious answer that we are going to give you is yes. We could leave this article here.
However, it is not going to help you. Therefore, we will tell you why it is.
As you have seen in our numerous QC articles, there is a lot of work that goes into controlling your call center’s quality.
Whether you have a dedicated team to do your QC or try to do it with existing managers, however, it will still give your team an extra workload. Extra workload will mean that your usual work will be less productive, and other areas of your business may suffer.
We could tell you that outsourced quality control is going to be better than in-house QC. However, let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of each:
In-house quality control is using your company employees to monitor your quality. Although you may think that this has only to provide benefits at first glance, you should take a look at some of the facts.
The main reason that you will want to conduct in-house quality control is because of its benefits:
You may have read the benefits of in-house quality control and thought, “that’s it; I will get a team together straight away.”
However, before you do that, perhaps you should take a look through some of the downfalls it too.
As with everything that has its benefits, in-house quality control will also have its downfalls too:
Although the lists above are only small, they are some of the more prominent pros and cons of in-house QC. You may look through the lists and decide that you are better off having your in-house team.
However, here at Call Criteria, we think that this is the wrong philosophy. Before we get into why they are our thoughts, let’s look at what we think the pros and cons of outsourcing are.
Outsourcing your quality control is as easy as getting someone else to do the job for you.
Of course, we are going to tell you that outsourcing is the way to go. But why? As with everything, there will be pros and cons, so let’s take a look at what they are.
As you can already see, there are many benefits to outsourcing your QC. However, it would be extremely unfair of us not to talk to you about the downsides.
Of course, as with everything, there are going to be some downsides to outsourcing. We have been wracking our brains to think of the honest issues you may find with outsourcing. Here is what we have come up with:
As you can see, there are very few downfalls that you may encounter with outsourcing.
As we have already said, there are pros and cons to everything. The decision between your own in-house QC team or outsourcing the work will boil down to individual preference.
However, our personal opinion is that you have a choice of the following:
Spend more money to have your own team, which, in turn, will increase your workload.
Spend less money on outsourcing to a company dedicated to that specific task.
Companies worldwide outsource components of their business to other, more suited companies. Therefore, it would make sense that, even in call centers, there are aspects better suited to outsourcing.
We believe that quality assurance and quality control are one of the single, most fundamental improvements you can make to a call center business.
Here at Call Criteria, we have made it our mission to be the people that help you reach the goals that you set.
Contact us to find out how we can help you.